Volunteer in HAWAI'I

Hawai’i Program

8-9 Days

Volunteer in Hawai’i with GIVE and explore the fascinating culture and dynamic landscapes of the Big Island, while giving back to the land and sea on native forest rehabilitation, indigenous land stewardship, marine debris removal, and regenerative farming projects! You will also get to snorkel in the Pacific (or scuba dive if you’re certified!), hike across volcanic craters, stargaze into the cosmos, and ‘talk story’ with indigenous leaders about their sacred lands, culture and history.  After volunteering in Hawai’i, join GIVE’s Scuba Conservation Add-On to become PADI Scuba Open Water certified and help protect reef ecosystems while diving with incredible marine life!  Enhance your experience by taking our accredited Ecotourism course and receive academic credit! 

This trip was life changing, every single moment was breathtaking and learning from native locals was such an amazing experience that you can't even imagine without going. The GIVE guides are also amazing and we had so many beautiful conversations, I met my chosen family on this trip and I highly recommend getting out of your comfort zone and joining the GIVE fam!"

- Iamiya, Hawai'i Volunteer

Highlights of Volunteering in Hawaii


As a GIVE Volunteer in Hawaiʻi, you will get to work with a variety of local nonprofits on the Big Island focused on environmental rehabilitation, cultural preservation and responsible tourism. Whether it’s volunteering to revitalize indigenous land stewardship practices, rehabilitating native forest ecosystems, supporting regenerative farming projects, or removing marine debris from coastlines, you will leave Hawai’i with a deeper understanding of this sacred ʻāina (land) and a passion to give back to your own communities and ecosystems.


Circumnavigate Hawaiʻiʻs Big Island and immerse yourself in an incredible diversity of landscapes, culture, and ecosystems. Hike through native forests and learn about indigenous plants from your local guides. Gaze into the cosmos and learn about Hawai’i’s proud history of celestial navigation. Snorkel amongst vibrant marine life and learn about the ancestral and spiritual connections Native Hawaiians share with ko’a (coral) and moana (ocean). Explore stunning waterfalls and lava tubes while ‘talking story’ about Hawaiian folklore. Last but not least, traverse a moonscape of volcanic craters in Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park.

“GO!!! You’ll gain so much more from this experience than you can imagine.
Reach out of your comfort zone and go for it…you won’t regret it.”

Amanda - Past GIVE Hawai'i Volunteer

Extend Your Trip

Scuba Conservation Add-on

Extend your Hawai’i adventure 7 more days to get PADI Scuba Open Water Certified and help protect reef ecosystems while diving with incredible marine life off the Kohala Coast!  

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Ready to start your adventure?